Aldermaston Players

Treasure Island Reviews

Treasure Island – NODA Review

National Operatic & Dramatic Association London Region Society : Aldermaston Players Production : Treasure Island Date : Friday 25th July Venue : The Barn Report by : Jeanette Maskell ________________________________________________________ Report On Friday 25th of July I was delighted to be invited to review Treasure Island by the Aldermaston Players. This was an open air picnic event, and though there had been a shower earlier in the day the weather stayed dry for the evening. Many of the audience had bought along their picnics and were enjoying pre-show festivities. Treasure Island was first a map that Stevenson drew for the ...

Treasure Island – Junior Review

Hi Angela I liked the mice and the boat and the character black dog he was cute. I think your costume was the best. The costumes were great and it was fantastic! I liked the little boy Jim and the songs I especially liked the mice! By Kya One Eye age 7  xxxxxxxxxxxxx Love kya xxxxx ...

2014 Treasure Island Review

Treasure Island 25th and 26th July 2014 The Barn, Frouds Lane, Aldermaston Freely adapted for male and female pirates by Phil Willmott, from the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson Outdoor theatre in England is a risky business and in their first outdoor production in 2012, Aldermaston Players were hindered by heavy rain. No such issue this time. Blessed by the weather this production shone from the first to the last. Known for their inspired choices of material with which to work, the company fleshed out the plentiful and varied roles with relish. It was a delight to see a stage ...